
プライマル リーダーシップ(1)

Primal Leadership (1)

Primal Leadership – realizing the power of emotional intelligence (by Daniel Goldman, Richard Boyatzis, Annie McKee)

皆さんよくご存知のIQ(知能指数)に対してEQ(情緒指数)というのがあります。人間性の指数と言ってもいいかも知れません。リーダーは有能であるだけでは十分でなく、人の感情や心がわかる必要があるといいます。この本の著者はこれをResonant leader (音楽で使う「共鳴」です。響き合えるとでも訳しましょうか)と言います。EQの名著、プライマルリーダーシップからシリーズで学んでいきましょう。

Emotions may spread like virus, but not all emotions spread with the same ease.
Cheerfulness and warmth spread most easily, LAUGHTER especially. (positive emotional hijack)   p10

Smiles are most contagious.

In any work setting, therefore, the sound of laughter signals the group’s emotional temperature, offering one sure sign that people’ hearts as well as their minds are engaged.

Research has proven it: Optimistic, enthusiastic leaders more easily retain their people.

One of the oldest laws in psychology holds that beyond a moderate level, increases in anxiety and worry erode mental abilities. Distress not only erodes mental abilities, but also makes people less emotionally intelligent. People who are upset have trouble reading emotions accurately in other people- decreasing the most basic skill needed for empathy and as a result, impairing their social skills.

When people feel good, they work at their best.

For every 1% improvement in the service climate, there is 2% increase in revenue.

The most effective leaders, then use humor more freely. (the outstanding leader used three times more humorous comments about one every four minutes-than the average leaders.)

   asktmc@gmail.com (栗原)

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