

Are you thinking about changing your job? Before making decision, answer those.

Career Change Questions by Bob Biehl
1.  What do I need to be the major advantages of this career change? (Make a list)

2.  Why am I thinking of this change? What is my real motive?

3.  What is the real price or loss that comes with this change? (Make a list)
  転職することで失うものは? あるいは犠牲は? リストを書きましょう。

4.  What may be eliminated if I talk with my boss?

5.  Is this the right time for a move?

6. In my new position do I want to put primary emphasis on the relationship I will have, the security the new position will bring, or the challenge of the position?

7.  Where do I see myself in 5-10 years? What is my overall career path? Does this change represent a step in the “right” direction for my longer range plans?
5年後10年後にどうなっていると思いますか? 職歴的にどうでしょうか?

8.  What do my 3-5 closest friends advise about the possible change? My spouse? My mentor?

9.  What does my pastor say about the change?

10. How will the change affect the following areas:
                       My spiritual development? 霊的成長
                      My physical development? 身体的成長
                      My personal development? 個人的成長
                      My family marriage relationship? 家庭環境
                     My profession/career life? 職歴、仕事のスキル
                    My financial situation? 経済状況

11.  What would I do, if I could do anything, if I had all of the time, money, education, staff, etc…and God said He didn’t care what I did...and I knew I couldn’t fail…what would I do?

12.  If I had all of the money I needed, would I still make this change?

13.  If the doctor told me that I had five years at the most to live, what would I do then?

14.  What needs do I see that make me want to weep?... want to explode with anger?...keep me awake at night?  Should I do something about them in my next work change?
必要とは何でしょう? 次の仕事でそれに関して何かするべきでしょうか?

15.  What do I believe in enough to “give my life for” if necessary? In what ways can I work in support of this area?

16.  What 3-10 things would I most like to “do” in my work?  What do I feel best at and enjoy the most?

17.  In what areas would I most like to grow personally and develop full potential? Which opportunity offers me the most potential for growth in these areas?
個人的にどの分野で可能性を生かし、成長したいですか? どういう機会がそれらの分野を成長させる可能性があるでしょうか?

18.  What is really holding me back in my professional life? If these could be overcome…then what would I do?

19.  With whom would I most like to work (what person or persons)?
誰と一番一緒に仕事したいですか? (どういう人達?)

20.  What would I most like my epitaph to read? How would this career change affect the totality of my life work?

21.  If I had all of the skills to handle any position in the world… what position would I most like to have?

22.  What accomplishments am I most “proud” of at this point in my life? How would these kinds of accomplishments be possible in my new position?  More of a possibility or less?

25.  Have I given myself at least twenty-four hours to pray and let this decision settle in my mind?

26.  Is the pressure and tension at my present situation temporary or a constant long-term problem?

27.  Which position will make the most difference fifty years from today?

28.  What questions are lingering in my mind that should be asked before I make a final decision?

29.  What facts should I really see before I make the final decision?

30.   Do I have “peace of mind” about a yes or a no from God’s eternal perspective?


astmc@gmail.com (栗原)

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