
Primal Leadership (4)

Primal Leadership – realizing the power of emotional intelligence (by Daniel Goldman, Richard Boyatzis, Annie McKee

 To create resonant in the working place

(ア)    People first then strategy  人々が優先。それから戦略。
(イ)    Relation first. (People need to meet and talk and laugh and share stories) 人間関係が優先。
(ウ)    Environment (The culture of the working place) first then work 環境が優先、それから仕事。

And the leader needs to LISTEN to know the reality of Organization. (Dynamic inquirery)
Sit down and listen, what they feel, what works and what is not working.
        What mode (temperature) control the working place? Fear and Cynicism? Or Understanding?

Cultural questions

1. What’s allowed here?  ここでは何が許されているのか?
2. What behaviors and values are expected? どんな態度、価値が期待されているのか?
3. Which leadership styles are smiled upon?  どういうリーダーシップスタイルが歓迎されるのか?
4.Which competencies are developed and which ignored? どんな能力が買われ、何が無視されるのか?

People can and will change when they find a good reason to do so. Competency development for any given job is just a piece of it. The real issue is ensuring that a development process leaves its mark on people. Taking into consideration of person’s values, beliefs, hopes, and dreams.

This is resonant leadership in action: engaging people’s passion and connecting them with a vision of what could be. Get involved.
人々の生活に入り込むのです。人々の情熱注ぐものに、彼らのビジョンが実現してゆくことに関わってゆくのです。それがResonant leader(情緒面にまで関われる「共鳴するリーダー」)なのです。

Don’t just assign people jobs and develop job skills. That is not enough. Is he being developed? Is he enjoying the job, is he motivated? Does he feel the significance of the job that he is doing? If not why? How about relationship with team members? They have the feeling of a good fit, of understanding and being understood, and sense of well being in the presence of the others.

When leaders engage only on an intellectual level with the strategy, it’s virtually impossible to maintain energy and commitment, and learning suffers. So what did the company’s leaders need most? “To become emotionally engaged with their own passion and their dreams with each other and with the strategy”. 

Visualizing the ideal – Vision that touches the hearts.
To formulate a vision that will resonate with others, leaders need to pay attention, starting by tuning in to their own feelings and the feelings of others. To do that, a leader needs to see at the level of emotion, then craft a meaningful vision with which people can identify on a deep and personal level.  People need to see, feel, and touch the values.

In order to change the culture of the organization, the leaders need to emotionally engage with employees. (same as the preacher, not just give intellectual contents but engage people’s emotion) – laughing together, crying together.
Impersonal leadership increasingly fails today. (treat people as interchangeable parts)

Resonant leaders know when to be collaborative and when to be visionary, when to listen, and when to command. Such leaders are more values- driven, more flexible and informal, and more open and frank than leaders of old. They are more connected to people and to networks. Most especially, they exude resonance: They have genuine passion for their mission, and that passion is contagious. Their enthusiasm and excitement spread spontaneously, invigorating those they lead. And resonance is the key to primal leadership. 
Special note

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